Skilled Estate And Tax Planning Legal Representation
The Pellegrino Law Firm P.C., has been preparing wills and estate planning instruments since Bernard Pellegrino first hung his shingle in 1929. Our experience in tax laws permits us to prepare estate plans that avoid death taxes while preserving family assets for the surviving spouse and other beneficiaries. We analyze our clients’ needs and wishes, and determine their death tax and probate exposure and how to reduce and eliminate it.
Our New Haven estate planning lawyers keep up with all the current gifts, capital gain and death tax laws so we can provide you with all of the tax benefits that will enable you to make appropriate decisions for your estate plan.
We Offer Comprehensive Estate Planning Services
We provide estate planning services to large and small families, as well as providing unmarried couple representation. To meet our clients’ planning needs, we design and prepare:
- Wills
- Living wills
- Testamentary, irrevocable, revocable and living trusts
- Special needs trusts
- Charitable trusts
- Durable powers of attorney
- Family partnerships, corporations, LLCs and recapitalizations for gift-making purposes
- Asset title changes
- Estate planning for your pets
In addition, we assist clients in elder law planning, including Title XIX and Medicaid issues, and the preparation of health care representative appointments and contingent appointments of conservators, as well as guardianship and conservatorship probate proceedings.
We Give You Just What You Need
The Pellegrino Law Firm P.C., believes that everyone needs a will and other related documents, including an advance directive (living will), appointment of conservator, durable power of attorney and a health care representative. We offer this simple will package for a reasonable fee. This package includes all the estate planning documents many people will ever need.
Our Connecticut estate planning attorneys also represent estates, trusts and their beneficiaries, and have served as special counsel to bank executors and trustees in probate courts throughout Connecticut. This often requires preparation and filing of the old state succession tax returns and the new estate tax returns, federal and state estate tax returns, and federal and state gift tax returns, as well as handling the tax audits of those returns.
Contact An Estate Planning Lawyer Regarding All Of Your Needs
Please contact The Pellegrino Law Firm P.C., in New Haven, Connecticut, for your legal will and trust questions. Call us at 203-572-1816